Paper is our lifeblood, as you might have guessed. Every now and then, because we want to ensure our customers get the very best prices possible on the variety of paper products we offer, we have to pay attention to production numbers in various countries. If certain countries are seeing a decrease in paper production, then that could mean higher prices for paper products in the near future.

Today we take you to Sweden, where the country recently reported a drop in its production of paper and paper boarding in the second quarter of the year compared to the same quarter in 2013.

According to the Swedish Forest Agency, the country produced 2.6 million metric tons of paper and paperboard in the second quarter of 2014, which is down nearly 6 percent from the same period a year ago. Printing and writing paper production fell by almost 12 percent, while newsprint paper fell nearly 30 percent - continuing a trend over the last decade of newspapers relying on newsprint less and going more to digital editions.

The production of other paper and paperboard that did not fit in those major categories increased by about 4.5 percent. Sweden held steady in its production of wood pulp at nearly 3 million metric tons.



Date 4/4/2016

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